BHSU offers music class for inexperienced
The Black Hills State University music department is offering a unique class for all students. The only requirement is that you have an interest in music.
Music appreciation: Rock Band is a class offered by BHSU designed to teach the basics of playing instruments associated with rock music. The students go through the basics of learning to play drums and guitar in a comfortable setting where most people are just starting out. Once students cover the basics of drums and guitar, they form bands in the class and cover the music of their choice.
According to Music Professor Dr. David Berberick, “Music appreciation needed an overhaul. Music appreciation is about appreciating music and what better way than getting students to interact with music.”
Many students believe that to get into the music department they need prior experience with music, but Berberick noted, “I wanted to get students into the music department and comfortable with music. The class is set up for people with no experience.”
Rock Band student Mario Guerrero commented, “I just wanted to learn how to play instruments like the guitar and drums.” Another Rock band student Eli Goldsborough was very excited about the class stating, “This class is awesome!” Goldsborough also gave reasons for joining the class, “I know how to sing but I wanted to expand my knowledge of the guitar and drums to create my own music.”
When asked about what he would say to students who are on the fence about taking a music class with no prior experience, Professor Berberick added, “Come in with an open mind. You can do it. Everyone who has taken the class has been able to do it to some degree. Don’t expect to come out an expert but expect to learn something and have fun and have the tools to take the next step if you wanted.”