Sting in the Spring hosts events for BHSU students
With graduation right around the corner, clubs and orgs around campus are working hard to provide students with engaging programs and events to end the Spring semester. One organization, that is no stranger to planning weekly events, is Campus Activities Board. The Campus Activities Board pledges to “Provide high quality programming for the entire BHSU community in order to achieve greater campus cohesion and involvement.”
Some of these events include Casino Night, Cabchella, Wellness Week, and Midday Music. Some upcoming events include a Hypnotist on Friday, April 9, Craft Night on April 16, and Live Music and coffee at Creekside Bean & Vine on April 18. CAB is also sponsoring the raffle prizes for a bowling event on Saturday, April 10.
When CAB isn’t planning events on campus, they are giving back to the community. Every semester, CAB members clean a section of highway between Spearfish and Belle Fouche for the Adopt-A-Highway event. They plan on cleaning their portion of the highway on April 14. Gracie Johnsrud, a member of CAB as the Operations Committee Director, explained that she “is excited to enjoy the warm weather and make our community a better and cleaner place.”
All students are welcome and encouraged to attend these events as the semester nears its end.
Follow @swarmdays on Instagram to stay updated on all the Sting in the Spring events.

Photo by @swarmdays on Instagram