BHSU Student Senate reforms alcohol policies to benefit on-campus affairs

BHSU’s Student Senate in Pierre for Students for Higher Education Days. (Top, from left) Sierra Kogel, Lorrainne Coronato, Marissa Danforth, Isabella Rowe, (Bottom from left) Myndi Weidenbach, Gabby East, Keegan Baatz.
Monday, March 7, 2022 – Black Hills State University Student Senate and South Dakota Board of Regions have recently proposed the bill for 2022 to allow the sell of alcohol at school events on campus.
BHSU Student Senate was the last SDBOR school to pass the proposal earlier last month generating revenue for schools and permit an oversight in consumption at an event alcohol would be present.
Sodexo will be the new food service employed by all SDBOR schools, incorporating a regular legal sale of alcohol for extracurricular events on campus.
On Monday, Black Hills Director of public safety officer, Phil Phesheck represented his department at the Student Senate convergence.
Phesheck explained that he did not disagree with the new legislation but did express concerns and recommended proper training to reduce the liability BHSU has for selling alcohol.
BHSU Security Department and Spearfish Police Department have a strong rapport, combining efforts between the two will insure the city’s regulations for the sale of alcohol.
New foundation from BHSU and all other SDBOR schools considers new food management services to implore the sale of alcoholic beverages for future undertakings around campus.