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Student-run media of Black Hills State University.  The Jacket Journal / Ponder Magazine / The Buzz FM

BHSU Media

Student-run media of Black Hills State University.  The Jacket Journal / Ponder Magazine / The Buzz FM

BHSU Media

Student-run media of Black Hills State University.  The Jacket Journal / Ponder Magazine / The Buzz FM

BHSU Media

Family, fun, fear: what the Absarokas mean to me

Austin Graft, Staff Writer November 2, 2023

There are many different ways to pronounce Absaroka. It is derived from the Native word Apsáalookěi meaning ‘children of the large beaked bird’, used by the Crow and Dakota groups as a name for the...

I miss Afghanistan, a country I once called home

Jayna Henning, Staff Writer October 19, 2023

I put cardamom in almost every cup of tea I drink. I put cardamom in my coffee. I put cardamom in my rice and beans. Sometimes when I make cookies, I even put cardamom in them. “Are you okay?” some...

Opinion: Gen eds push college students into more unnecessary debt everyday

Opinion: Gen eds push college students into more unnecessary debt everyday

Kendra Mitchell November 3, 2022

College is expensive, no matter who is paying for it. Whether it be parents, or the students themselves, it is often difficult to make ends meet. Parents may have been saving for 18 years, and still not...

Photo by Unsplash

OPINION: Why liberal politicians won’t solve America

Jacob Jones, Reporter April 19, 2022

OPINION- With midterm elections heating up as we get closer to election time, people are always told to vote for the lesser of two evils. But is there a lesser of two evils? Is there really any difference...

Graphic by Jessie Ristau

Combatting the Winter Blues

Kyla Parish April 7, 2021

  Who seems to catch a case of the winter blues when cold weather comes to town? What seems to be a heavy influence in this fluctuation of sadness? Is it the weather or is it the location?...

OPINION: The Keystone XL Pipeline: We Aren’t Fighting the Right Fight

OPINION: The Keystone XL Pipeline: We Aren’t Fighting the Right Fight

Orion Pullen March 17, 2021

Not just in the U.S. but all around the world, pipelines, in general, have been a hotly debated subject for decades. The Coastal Gaslink, Dakota Access, and Keystone XL pipelines are just three recent...

Review – Raised By Wolves – Ep. 1

Andrew Cazer September 1, 2020

Raised By Wolves is the latest big budget sci-fi television series distributed by HBO on their new streaming service HBO Max. The series is relatively new premiering this past September and has received...

Good news in the midst of the Coronavirus

Kathryn Hastings, Contributor March 24, 2020

The Coronavirus is ramping up with the number of cases in the US and Italy. While South Dakota has the least amount of cases out of all the states, as of right now, its important to remember the good news...

What to do during the Coronavirus

Kathryn Hastings, Contributor March 22, 2020

SPEARFISH SD (BHSUmedia) BHSU students should be aware of the growing number of cases regarding the coronavirus. Right now South Dakota only has 14 confirmed cases with one confirmed death, but that doesn’t...

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